
  • 区域:全国
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  • 更新:2024-01-17 17:11
  • 到期:长期有效

In the dissertation, the interaction of rare earth ions (RE~(3+)) and their complexes with phospholipid liposomes, human erythrocyte membranes and rabbit sarocoplasmic reticulum (Ca~(2+)+Mg~(2+))-ATPase(SR-ATPase) are investigated and the effect of RE~(3+) on phospholipids, the lipids and proteins of human erythrocyte membranes with that of Ca~(2+) are compared. The effect of RE~(3+) and their complexes on the phase behavior of phospholipids is investigated systematically by using the system of artifical membranes and natural membranes, and the displacement of Ca~(2+) binding on phospholipids by RE~(3+) is also observed. The effect of RE~(3+) and Ca~(2+) on the lipid and protein of human erythrocyte membranes is further studied. The disagreement of the effect RE~(3+) on (Ca~(2+)+Mg~(2+))-ATPase activity is clarified. Furthermore, different effect of Tb~(3+) on the Ca~(2+)-binding sites of SR and purified ATPase are observed.

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